Road Watch
Keep up to date with local road conditions from Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Check out the most up to date information on the roads, weather and marine forecasts around The Coromandel.
Take the lead from key agencies below and ensure you are well equipped for the conditions ahead.
Local Information Centers are kept up to date and can offer on the ground support if in need while in the region.
Take care and be patient on your road trip through the rural Hauraki Plains on to the rugged coastline of the Coromandel Peninsula. When enjoying the scenery while driving remember to pull over when it’s safe to do so and let locals drive on by - they’ll give you a wave, toot or flash their lights in appreciation for your consideration.
400km of coastline surround dramatic ranges that showcase geologic phenomena such as Hot Water Beach, a lasting reminder of the ancient volcanic eruptions. This landscape and coastline provide a home for wildlife like the Godwit that flies from as far away from Alaska each year. The Coromandel serves as a reminder that are part of nature’s domain. To enjoy the best of the elements, stay connected with your local hosts who are adept at looking after visitors in all sorts of conditions.
Plan wisely and let people know your plans.
In an emergency please call 111. Bookings are required for our local medical centres, however, urgent care can often be accommodated.
Waikato Civil Defence is your source of credible information on preparing and getting through regional emergencies.
Thames Coromandel Updates
Hauraki District Updates
Read the Community Response Plan for your area in case of an emergency.