Restore, preserve and protect The Coromandel ... forever

It is our vision that tourism enriches life for locals and visitors, contributing directly to the protection and enhancement of our culture and natural environment.

So many in our communities connect with nature, take care, restore and protect the precious places in their backyards. With so much more to do, you too can connect and engage with local initiatives and operators that invite and provide an opportunity for you to give more than you take.

Being part of the wild beauty of this place is our privilege, and it is also in our nature to engage. Our hunter-gatherer culture means we look to our backyard as our local supermarket, and to fill our basket with good times, fishing, surfing, hiking and biking. Those who dive below the surface or venture off the beaten track may be intent on forging a path, leaving more than a footprint.

Travel Planning The Responsible Way

Responsible Experiences

Our respect for nature and our beautiful environment unites us in The Coromandel, it’s why we are here.

It’s a place where nature and people connect, a place that gives back, that is forever good for your soul.

A combination of complex volcanic geology, dense forest and wetlands means diverse local climates, and a large number of plants and animals make their home in The Coromandel, some of them found nowhere else.

The responsibility to take care quickly becomes a passion that is infectious, with a rising momentum that will tip the balance in favour of our voiceless native species. Only then will nature start to thrive, as locals truly appreciate what a thing of beauty this place is. And as visitors, you will long to return, to recharge their soul.