'CORO', Product, 554, 2023-08-21 02:06:40
Waihi College is a special place. Our mission is three fold. We aim to connect families within the local and global community, to create opportunities for students and families to share our cultures and to support Waihi College programmes and improve
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With 720 students, Waihi College is big enough to be able to offer choices and small enough to feel like a family. Our international students become part of every aspect of school and community life and quickly make friends with local and other international students. Waihi College has been hosting international students for many years and this year we have students from Japan, Norway, China, Thailand, Finland, Germany, Brazil, Switzerland and India. We welcome the variety and diversity that they bring to Waihi College and we are committed to doing what we can to make their time here the best that it can be.
Where to Find Us

Kensington Road
New Zealand