Regional Events Fund Application

2024/25 applications will open 9th July 2024.

About the Regional Events Fund

We recognise that major events generate significant visitation to our region, but smaller or less well-established events that have the capacity to grow are also eligible. All events will need to show that they have a clear plan and pathway to attract additional visitors, with the REF accelerating the growth of newer events and providing a ’step change’ component for established major events.

The Regional Events Fund is available to the International Marketing Alliance (IMA) grouping of Regional Tourism Organisations (RTOs), which includes Destination Hauraki Coromandel, The Coromandel's official RTO.

The purpose of the fund is to stimulate ‘out of region’ visitation through funding events that will encourage revenue missed by the absence of international visitors. The fund was allocated based on the regions’ respective shares of international visitor spending prior to COVID-19.

The Pacific Coast Highway IMA (which includes The Coromandel) received $2m as part of the fund and the decision was taken to distribute the allocation with the same rationale of share i.e percent share of international visitor spend. This means The Coromandel is eligible for $400k over the next 4 years.

The four regions have agreed that success will be achieved when events are delivered that promote the well-being pillars of:

  1. Cultural: increasing iwi and community engagement,
  2. Social: enhancing community spirit, improving job opportunities for residents, and fostering a sense of place and pride among residents.
  3. Environmental: striving to be environmentally friendly and, where possible, target zero waste for events.
  4. Economic: increasing visitation and visitor spending, increasing awareness of the Pacific Coast Highway.


The Coromandel’s Regional Events Fund aims to act as a seed fund to help new and existing events build and develop a long-term sustainable platform that will allow for continued growth.


Through the REF, Destination Hauraki Coromandel aims to build a stronger calendar of events that will collectively showcase the essence of The Coromandel while stimulating and enhancing the economic wellbeing of the region and providing significant flow-on benefits to tourism businesses (which includes the retail and hospitality sectors) in The Coromandel.


  • 2021 - 2022    Applications open July 2021 (Completed)
  • 2022 - 2023    Applications open July 2022 (Completed)
  • 2023 - 2024    Applications open 11 July 2023 (Completed)
  • 2024 - 2025    Applications open July 2024
  • Each year, it is anticipated that there will be a maximum of 3 events funded, with no pre-determined allocation per event.
  • A maximum of two years’ consecutive funding may be granted per event.


  • 9 July 2024                    Applications open
  • 25 July 2024                  Applications close 5pm
  • 27 August 2024            Successful applications notified
  • 1 September 2024       Event commencement date

Post Event Accountability Report

Past Funding Summary


We were delighted with the number of entries, receiving 16 applications requesting over $600,000. The panel was pleased to be able to support the following 8 events.

  • Hootnanny $30,000 (New country rock festival, Thames)
  • Amplify $30,000 (New wellness festival, Whangamata)
  • Maritime Park Christmas Light Festival $10,000
  • Pauanui Half Marathon $10,000
  • Whitianga Marathon $10,000
  • Whitianga Oceans Festival $20,000
  • Highland Games and Tattoo $20,000
  • Ride Coromandel $10,000 (New BMX event, Coromandel Town)


Successful recipients of the 2022/23 Regional Event Fund were as follows:

  • Pauanui Half Marathon $5,000
  • Whitianga Marathon $5,000
  • Whangamata Run Walk Festival $10,000


The investment panel has approved funding from the 2023/24 Regional Event Fund to the organisers of six events:

  • Chaos On The Coromandel (new event) - Thames - $15,000
  • Black Rock Mountainbike Event - Whangamatā - $10,000
  • Coromandel artbeat Festival (new event) - Hauraki and Thames-Coromandel - $40,000 (2 years)
  • Whangamatā Half Marathon - $10,000
  • Wings and Wheels - Thames - $20,000
  • Hauraki Rail Trail E-Bike Festival (new event)- Hauraki and Thames-Coromandel - $30,000

2024/25 - Final Round of Funding

This year's funding round received 9 applications, of which we are pleased to be able to support the following 5 events.

  • Aramex Kiwi Walk & Run Series, Hauraki - $10,000
  • Aotearoa Men's Wellbeing Summit, Whangamatā - $30,000
  • Whangamata Festival of Surf, Whangamatā - $5,000 (Withdrawn - not proceeding)
  • Ridge Runner, Colville - $15,000
  • Bayleys Paradise Coast Golf Classic, Whangamatā - $10,000